Guardian Air Indoor Air Quality Solutions monitors indoor air quality to determine the risk associated with indoor air pathogens.

This real-time data puts the power in your hands 24/7.

Indoor Air Quality assessment and ongoing monitoring is a worldwide service offering that is now available in South Africa for business, staff, and customer peace of mind.

IAQ is an internationally recognised metric for Indoor Air Quality that is used by scientists, environmentalists, government departments, industry sectors, and indoor air quality monitoring service providers and partners.

Guardian Air Solutions has recently been established to offer a solution to the growing need for continuous risk assessment and monitoring of indoor air quality. Servicing the South African market with professional insight, a dedicated team for ongoing support and a tried and tested international wireless monitoring system that offers real-time data, alerts and more...

The recent pandemic has highlighted the necessity for business owners, facilities managers and all who serve the public in indoor spaces to take responsibility and efficiently monitor the risk associated with poor Indoor Air Quality.

An efficient monitoring system will alert responsible citizens who will then be able to take action and effect change and achieve acceptable Indoor Air Quality for health, wellbeing and performance.

Airborne pathogens found indoors that put us at risk of adverse effects on our health and wellbeing as well as our ability to perform optimally include:

Excessive moisture Radon Carbon monoxide Volatile organic compounds

A few other factors that affect Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) include:

  • industrial air pollution that becomes trapped indoors
  • humidity
  • poor ventilation
  • temperature
  • pet dander
  • dust mites
  • pollen
  • mould spores

The adverse effects of poor indoor air quality on the health, wellness and performance of visitors, staff and learners include:

  • irritation of the eyes, nose and throat
  • aggravated or worsened asthma
  • headaches, dizziness, and fatigue
  • lower academic performance and higher absenteeism
  • long-term effects may include respiratory or heart disease and cancer

Some of the best defence against indoor airborne pathogens are the following:

  • To be informed so you can assess the risk and take action.
  • To know when and how to manage and adjust the ventilation.

The Guardian Air monitoring device offers efficient monitoring with alerts and reports for risk assessment 24/7. Managed ventilation is possible with the real-time data offered by our Connected AirWits CO2 Plus wireless device.

The AirWits CO2 Plus is a connected carbon dioxide (CO2), temperature, and humidity metering device with an E-link display for real-time, accurate and efficient Indoor Air Quality monitoring.

The Guardian Air Solution includes a professional assessment, the monitoring device, ongoing servicing and support by monitoring specialists and corrective action advice and referrals, if required.

Introduce a Guardian Air Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitoring device to reduce airborne disease risk, identify areas that inhibit occupant wellbeing, and detect anomalies like mould growth.

Guardian Air Solutions is endorsed by the GreenFlag Association for Indoor Air Quality monitoring.