Guardian Air's Connected AirWits CO2 Plus is a connected carbon dioxide (CO2) temperature and humidity metering device with an E-link display for real-time, accurate and efficient Indoor Air Quality monitoring.


Welcome to Guardian Air Indoor Air Quality Solutions. Our vision and purpose is to educate consumers, employers and employees on the benefits of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitoring and management.

We aim to empower businesses by adding exceptional value to their staff and customers’ well-being, by ensuring the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is monitored and assessed for risk, continuously.

IAQ iair quality monitoring service providers and partners.

Guardian Air Solutions is endorsed by the GreenFlag Association of South Africa and is committed to creating a positive impact in the market showing leadership and great care for the health and wellbeing of all who find themselves spending a lot of time indoors.

Guardian Air introduces IAQ Indoor Air Quality solutions to the South African market with an internationally recognised monitoring device with a tried and tested track record of excellent performance and results.

A compact mobile, wireless device transmitting digital intelligence efficiently showing real-time data 24/7. Alerts keep users up to date and empowered to make informed decisions on adjustment to ventilation.

The device gathers continuous data on the particles, gases and chemicals present in the air. The data is used to identify trends and spot problem areas, so you can make adjustments and take action accordingly.

Airborne pathogens most likely to be a cause for concern:

Excessive moisture


Volatile organic compounds

Carbon monoxide