Guardian Air Indoor Air Quality solutions include the supply of a digital monitoring device that transmits real-time data for ongoing assessment 24/7.

The internationally developed software is designed to keep the user alerted to and aware of any associated airborne pathogen risks for immediate attention and corrective action.

Corrective actions would include but not be limited to:

  • Rerouting or redirecting the air flow within the space in question.
  • Identifying the source of the offensive element.
  • Alerting the correct authority or specialist for assistance if required.

Guardian Air Indoor Air Quality Solutions presents the Connected AirWits CO2 Plus device to the South African market for real-time, accurate and efficient Indoor Air Quality monitoring. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitoring and management are essential to reduce the risk and consequences of poor ventilation.

The Connected AirWits CO2 Plus is a connected carbon dioxide (CO2), temperature and humidity metering device with an E-link display for real-time, accurate and efficient Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) monitoring.

The Connected AirWits CO2 Plus device has numerous features like:

  • Regular screen updates are every 10 minutes on the default setting.
  • Five-year battery life is expected on power-saving mode.
  • Worldwide Sigfox IoT-Network is used for data transmission enabling low lifetime costs.
  • The device is mobile, versatile, and connected.
  • Powerful, accurate, and efficient indoor air quality measurement.
  • Real-time data with reporting as required.
  • The device has a real carbon dioxide sensor

The benefits of the Connected AirWits CO2 Plus device are undeniably clear in its proven international track record of excellent performance in the monitoring of indoor air quality.

Airborne pathogens found indoors, that put us at risk of adverse effects on our health and wellbeing as well as our ability to perform optimally include;

Excessive moisture


Carbon monoxide

Volatile organic compounds

Guardian Air Indoor Air Quality Solutions offers an internationally recognised wireless monitoring system, ongoing after sales monitoring support by our IAQ monitoring specialists and assessment.

Guardian Air Solutions is endorsed by the GreenFlag Association for Indoor Air Quality monitoring.